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Hasselblad DAC Corrections

Simple question for those in the know. At what stage are the Hasselblad DAC corrections applied?

Hope there's a reasonably simple answer


Open Phocus.

Under Adjustments menu, you will see Lens Corrections. That's where it is applied. (Only during conversions from FFF to JPG and TIFF.
Simple question for those in the know. At what stage are the Hasselblad DAC corrections applied?

Hope there's a reasonably simple answer


As Steven has indicated you can view the effects of the 3 levels of DAC in Lens Correction tool located in the Adjusts tab, by checking or unchecking the appropriate DAC box and view the image in the main viewer. When you save or modify the file then DAC corrections will be embedded in the metadata of the the 3F file.

DAC corrections are applied when 3F is exported to jpeg or tiff.

Paul Claesson
Hasselblad USA