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Hasselblad cfv-50... what's the latest consensus


I have just been alerted to a new promotion on the Hasselblad CFV-50.....before I take the plunge I'd like to know what the experience of other users has been (also those using the CFV-39).

Is it really necessary to use the 40 CFE IF rather than the older 40 CFE?

What other lenses are optrimal or should be avoided?



I've been using my CFV50 for a couple of months now, and like I posted a while ago I'm not impressed with the results in combination with the 40 CF FLE; I also use a CFi 50 and CFe 80 which both give much better results. Especially corner sharpness with the 40 is visibly less than with the other 2 lenses. I also happen to have a CF 60 and CF 150, but as they do not see much use at the moment, my experiences so far are limited. Both seem to do OK, although I would say not as crisp as the CFi 50.

Having said this, and I don't know what you plan to use the CFV50 for, but with each of the above mentioned lenses you still get a lot more sharpness than what you will probably ever need for non commercial purposes.

One point to notice when concidering the CFV50: if you want maximum sharpness (don't we all...) take great care in focussing; in my opinion this is much more critical / unforgiving than with film.
It took me a while to work this out, and occasionally I still get it wrong, although the majority of my pics is now sharp. From this (and another forum) I learned that I'm not alone on this: get it right and you will be amazed by the results. However, be prepared to take some time to get used to the more critical 'art' of focusing; strangely enough especially with the shorter focal lengths.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for the informative reply Erik.
I have the opportunity to test the back before buying - so will bear in mind what you said.
I would like to use the wide-angles for landscapes, the 120mm for plants, and the 180 for portraits.
Thinker, is your 40mm an IF one ?

Well the 180mm is an excellent lens but thé 100mm with crop factor of thé cfv may be casier for portrait.
Have been using my CFV-39 now for about 2 years, with all V-lenses from CFi30 to CFE350. One big lesson. Always shoot from a camera mounted on a solid tripod. Watch focusing very carefully, and shoot if possible with F=8 or higher for below 60mm lenses. Pictures have sharpness which make you jump out of your socks. Even worked with my 309 SWC without problems. Magenta cast is removed with Phocus.
Have been using my CFV-39 now for about 2 years, with all V-lenses from CFi30 to CFE350. One big lesson. Always shoot from a camera mounted on a solid tripod. Watch focusing very carefully, and shoot if possible with F=8 or higher for below 60mm lenses. Pictures have sharpness which make you jump out of your socks. Even worked with my 309 SWC without problems. Magenta cast is removed with Phocus.

I second the comments. Could not be happier with my CFV39.

I've had no issues with my CF 40 FLE.

Also use it on a Technikardan 23 with 35, 47, 58 and other wiew lwnses with super quality.

My clinets love the images.