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Hasselblad bellows for 503CW


New Member
I notice that there seem to be two different versions of bellows for the Hasselblad cameras: those mounted on twin pairs of aluminium tubes and those mounted on a square monorail base. I am interested in mounting a 120mm CF Makro lens on bellows attached to my 503CW. Does it matter which I buy?
I notice that there seem to be two different versions of bellows for the Hasselblad cameras: those mounted on twin pairs of aluminium tubes and those mounted on a square monorail base. I am interested in mounting a 120mm CF Makro lens on bellows attached to my 503CW. Does it matter which I buy?
To my knowledge, the bellow with aluminium tubes is the old type, without transmission of automatic diaphragm: it requires the use of a double flexible cord and cannot be used with EL series because at smallest extent the tubes protrude backwards hitting the motor unit; the other type is with transmission of automatic diaphragm and the base protrudes forward allowing its use with every Hasselblad camera.
So on your 503CW I think you can mount both of them without problems. Incidentally, the old type is more complex to use, but with the barrels protruding bacwards you can more easily approach your prey!
Cordially Ale