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Hasselblad 501 CM auxiliary shutter cracks


New Member
I just bought a hasselblad 501 CM in a mint condition from eBay. The camera looks almost unused but after inspecting I noticed there are three cracks on the auxiliary shutter of the body. (picture attached)

Do you know what caused them and if they are serious defects and can affect on the camera operation or pictures?
Hi Soheil,

I apologize for the much delayed response to your question here on the forum. I'm surprised no one has responded before me.

I'm definitely not an expert (there are others here who will correct me), but I think these all too common cracks may be in the palapas anti-reflective coating on the secondary shutter. I recently purchased my 6th Hasselblad 500 series camera (an otherwise mint condition 555ELD) and then discovered cracks in the palapas coating on the inside of the 555ELD body. If you search the Internet (which you may have already done), you'll find many reports of these problems.

Many say not to worry, it won't have any impact on the actual film or images. I'm undecided as to whether I will send my 555ELD in for a replacement of the palapas or not. Apparently, that can very costly for the coating inside the body.

While my own 501CM does not yet show signs of these cracks, I'm sure it is only a matter of time before it does also.

Gary Benson
Eagle River, Alaska