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Hasselblad 35-90 Lens issues, PLS HELP


New Member
Hasselblad 35-90 Lens issues, PLS HELP
« on: Today at 02:19:17 PM »

Hasselblad 35-90 Lens issues, happens periodically:
1. shutter button freezes half way down
2. view finder and digital back screen are both black
3. several pictures are very overexposed which have identical F stop, shutter speed and iso to correctly exposed identical picture (why)
4. lens cant find the correct focus point and continues to search for it
The Fix:
1. turn the camera off
2. push the lens release button
3. rotate the lens to the right
4. rotate the lens to the left to engage the lens lock
5. it now will work perfectly until one or all of the issues above happen again
1. My 80mm, 100mm and 150mm lenses do not exhibit any issues
2. The camera and back have been changed but issues continue
3. The lens was examined twice but no problem was found
4. The settings I use most are as follows:
a. Program Mode
b. Center weighted exposure
c. Single shot auto focus
d. Daylight light balance
e. ISO 100
f. Continuous Drive Mode

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. I feel the problem is within the lens, maybe the camera software, or perhaps me. Because the same camera settings work perfectly with my fixed focal length lenses , I feel that the problem lies with the lens. Thanks to all, Arthur
Perplexing to say the least.

Which camera are you using ... which model?

The first thing to double check is that you have the latest Phocus software, and current firmware for all three components ... the digital back, the camera, and the finder. These are available on the Hasselblad website. You can confirm your current firmware numbers in the grip menu of your camera.

If all else fails, sent the camera and the lens together for inspection with a precise note as to settings and conditions this happens to you.

Good luck,


I visited the Hasselblad office in NJ and they were excellent. The problem appears to be a faulty battery which they replaced. They also replaced the lens. I have since shot 240 images with absolutely NO problems. Your advice to make sure that the firmware was up-to-date was also helpful and all firmware was the latest available. Again thanks, Arthur
Error 2.1.1 Lens error

What does this mean? This is a brand new 35-90 zoom lens on a new H4D-40 camera. My user manual has no error message information. Any help would be greatly appreciated, arthur
21.1 is a comms error between the body and lens. It a symptom of a dirty or weak contact but could also be caused by a shutter problem, the first is more likely. Clean the body sprung contacts with a clean tissue and check that all the pins are equally 'springy'. Maybe my good friends in NJ could help you again.
Thanks Doug

I did as you suggested, cleaned the contacts between the lens and the camera body, tested the spring tension, and cleaned the contacts between the battery and the camera as well.

This morning the camera booted up with no data on the back, missing information (image count & white balance) in the handle. Hence the cleaning of the battery terminals plus a 100% charged battery. I called Hasselblad NJ because of the missing information in the handle screen and they said your advise was "spot on".

The camera now works, but I must confess that my old Hasselblad 2000FC never had these electrical problems. My old Range Rover sure did!
Doug, I greatly appreciate your help, Regards, Arthur