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Has anyone tried Phocus 1.2 with OSX Snow Leopard?


New Member
Would like user experiences. Faster? Slower? More crashes, etc? I am planning to wait a while before installing on my (June 09) Macbook Pro.
Do not install snow leopard!!!!!

*** URGENT ***

Do not install snow leopard.

This has caused with at least one user a major breakdown.
A complete system with two high grade MACs needs to be reinstalled due to a massive breakdown after an attempt to install snow leopard.

Snow leopard can not handle a number of software applications resulting in a catastrophy.
Wait till there is more news about this update.
In the mean while try to be patient!

*** URGENT ***

Do not install snow leopard.

This has caused with at least one user a major breakdown.
A complete system with two high grade MACs needs to be reinstalled due to a massive breakdown after an attempt to install snow leopard.

Snow leopard can not handle a number of software applications resulting in a catastrophy.
Wait till there is more news about this update.
In the mean while try to be patient!

Yes , it is true , what Paul says .
The worst case is , that my backup system is not compatible with SNOW LEOPARD and I could not restore to my previous OSX . As a result I have a crashed system now .
I can not fix the issue and will have to see APPLE technicians , to get it fixed on Monday .

Snow Leopard

Traveling at present with a 2009 MacBook Pro 17" and installed Snow Leopard on Monday. Its usable with Phocus. Freezes every now and then when 100% cropping - spinning wheel - but always unfreezes after a few seconds. I normally use a pc so don't have another Mac Phocus reference point - perhaps this is normal (H3D50 images, 4GB RAM). All other functions seem to work fine.
SL is definitely a bit buggy with other apps - but I haven't experienced anything catastrophic (yet). I have heard some horror stories though as Paul suggests. Seems to be a bit hit and miss.
As always - worth waiting for a couple of updates to this new OS before doing anything critical. I'm on holiday so didn't mind taking the risk.

OSX back to normal

My OSX is back to 10.5.8 . Thanks to the apple technicians . Dummies .:)
It cost me 107 € to get that done .

No SNOW LEOPARD now . Good .

Before you install SNOW LEOPARD , carefully check all gear and programs you use for compatibility with OSX 10.6 .

As far as I know , the MICROTEK F1 scanner is out of production and there will never be a driver update .
But at least I got the latest driver for the F1 now .

I've installed Snow Leopard on my Mac Book Pro and everything works great. I'm gonna wait a few weeks/month before I install it on my Mac Pro. But so far, so good on my book.

Snowleopard is not the problem .
It is the incompatibility with some of my applications .
Printers , scanner , screen calibration etc .

I was on 10.5.8 with Phocus.
It was slow but not buggy.
After installing Phocus - the main hard disk cannot appear in the left panel showing your drives. it's a known bug.
It also crashes when you attempt to zoom in and out frequently.
Not good.
i've had it just quit and generate a bad kern access message. Almost able to repeat the problem in 9 out of 10 tries. Maybe it's with the older machines.
I'm using a MacPro Quad Core 3 Ghz with 9 GB of RAM.

One thing though, in 64-bit mode, Phocus is a lot faster. The adjustments like sharpening and levels adjustments occur a lot faster than in 32-bit mode.

One more note - if you're using Flexcolor 4.8.8 - do NOT upgrade your 10.5.8 to Snow Leopard - all your colours will be messed up.
This is very serious - i ended up having to buy brand new hard disks for both my mac pro and macbook pros - just to reinstall back 10.5.8 so that the colours will be good again.
In Snow Leopard, anything opened up in Flexcolor will become dull and greenish. It's horrible. It's not a colorsync issue - it's more like apple changed the way colorsync worked - and it messes up all your colours. The thumbnails will show the actual colour but when you double click on a particular image to open it up - the main displayed image will go from a bright warm colour to this cold, desaturated greenish dull colour.
So be warned - Snow Leopard messes up Flexcolor big time...
I am amazed that Apple would release an OS with this many serious compatibility issues. We might expect this from Microsoft, but it appears Apple is no better. Thankfully, I didn't have problems like Jurgen and others have experienced with Snow Leopard when I moved to my PCs to MS Vista 64 bit OS.

I will keep my Macbook Pro and Mac Pro on Leopard for many months to come. The incremental performance improvements of Snow Leopard, if they exist at all, are not worth the hassle....and I'm sure that is putting it mildly.

I would have to agree. I installed SL on my Macbook Pro but have generally seen NO improvements. In fact, I am now having some issues. Minor issues but issues never-the-less. If they are going to suggest a major "tech" improvement you would certainly expect to see it. Thankfully, I didn't upgrade my Mac Pro so no problems there.
I am amazed that Apple would release an OS with this many serious compatibility issues. We might expect this from Microsoft, but it appears Apple is no better. Thankfully, I didn't have problems like Jurgen and others have experienced with Snow Leopard when I moved to my PCs to MS Vista 64 bit OS.

I will keep my Macbook Pro and Mac Pro on Leopard for many months to come. The incremental performance improvements of Snow Leopard, if they exist at all, are not worth the hassle....and I'm sure that is putting it mildly.


I am running SL on my MacBook for about a week now. Works just fine. I do not agree that SL has so many serious compatibility issues for that matter. People moving from Windows XP to Vista not having problems is the exception rather than the rule.

I am running SL on my MacBook for about a week now. Works just fine. I do not agree that SL has so many serious compatibility issues for that matter. People moving from Windows XP to Vista not having problems is the exception rather than the rule.


Hi Wilko. Glad that your upgrade to SL went well. I'm just not willing to take that chance right now, given the problems that Jurgen had. Maybe those of us with more legacy peripherals and applications are at greater risk of these problems. I was also distressed to hear about Goh's problems with SL and Flexcolor, since I tend to use that more often than Phocus.

I'll hold off on SL for a few months and let the dust settle, then decide if it's worth the risk. My motto on software upgrades....if it's not broken, think twice before you "fix" it....and be very skeptical of the "newer, better, faster" hype. Works for me.

Just dug around on and found this:

System Requirements
Yes Phocus is supported on SnowLeopard!
Mac OS X 10.5 or later is required and at least 2GB of memory, 4GB is recommended. Phocus is optimized for Intel processors. For further information about system requirements, please consult the Phocus read-me file.

Note that this was found under the Phocus 1.2.1 download section.

Here to be exact:
