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Hartblei Magifying Hood

David Sw

New Member
Does anybody have any experience with this item (as seen on EBy recently)?

I am concerned with two issues: Does it allow viewing of the entire screen? Is the eye relief (distance between eyepiece and viewer's eye) sufficient so that I don't have to push my glasses right up tight against the eyepiece?

Any other relevant information is welcome too. (e.g. how it stacks up against the various generations of Hasselblad chimney-type finders...)

I guess nobody has opinions on this magnifier.

The point is moot now, just picked up an early Hasselblad chimney finder from a young fellow locally. It certainly does the trick.

Now I have to rearrange my camera bag to take the body with the hood installed...
The stovepipe hood is pretty good as far as giving a clear and magnified screen view. You are I am sure well accomplished at dealing with the backwards view. I do like it's light weight and it is also a good slide/negative loupe on the light table! For waist level photography it is quite good indeed. I superceeded that with a very nice PME90 prism, which (very sadly) cannot be used with the CFV backs. The diopter adjustment is super!

I have the Hartblei Groundglass Back, and Hartblei Stovepipe. I like using them on on 500C/M and 500EL/M bodies, they work very well. At one point, I also owned the Hartblei 1006M, which also took Hasselblad film backs.

The groundglass image is a bit more coarse in the Hartblei Groundglass Back, compared to the Hasselblad (which I also have). The screen in the Hasselblad is smoother and more finely-ground.

But I still prefer using the Hartblei over the Hasselblad.