So - after nearly 20 Years with my 500 C/M - a (with 4.000 Shots used) H3DII-50 with a Set of HC-Lenses (28, 50, 100, 300 und 1.7 Converter) has arrived last Summer. After solving a Problem with the AF-Module (Thanks for the excellent Service of Hasselblad/Ahrensburg), I could take the first Photos on my Winter -Trip to Norway. Very impressing - the Land and the Photos!
I am "only" an Amateur-User, but I like the Results.
The next Time for me to take Photos will be in late Summer, when I sail around Spitzbergen.
And for this I have a Question: Does anybody know a good - and not heavy Protection-cover against Moisture?
I am sure, that I will have further Questions, because this is my first Digital-Camera.
I am "only" an Amateur-User, but I like the Results.
The next Time for me to take Photos will be in late Summer, when I sail around Spitzbergen.
And for this I have a Question: Does anybody know a good - and not heavy Protection-cover against Moisture?
I am sure, that I will have further Questions, because this is my first Digital-Camera.