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h4d40 problems with kingston cf


New Member
Hi everyone

Just bought a h4d40. Very happy:)

I have two Kingston ultimate 600x 16GB cards and the camera wont read either of them. I can't even format the cards, they both give me an error. Are there any known issues with those cards? They do work with my Canon 5D Mark II.

At the moment I am working with SanDisk Extreme IV 8GB on my h4d40 and they work just fine.

Did I miss something?

Thank you for any comments / suggestions.


When you formatted the card in your Mac did you choose FAT32? Can the card be read and formatted in the Canon?
Have you tried any other card to see if it is the camera or card? Even a small 256 mb card would do, just to see if it is not a fault with the pins in the camera.
Have you tried any other card to see if it is the camera or card? Even a small 256 mb card would do, just to see if it is not a fault with the pins in the camera.

as i said, i'm working with 8gb sandisk extreme iv and they work fine with h4d-40.

but the kingstons don't!!
var. 600x CF problems with var. brands

over at LL there is a discussion sby started who had problems getting his H4D to recognize 600x transcend cards.

contributions there indicate that some cameras/backs (mentioned were leaf, leica, P1, H..) can have issues with certain brands / speeds of CF cards. (transcend mentioned, i.e. works with 400x, doesnt with 600x) - no definitive answer on the reason.

overall opinion was along the line of selling offending cards to sby using different type of camera (where they work fine) and get sandisks.

hope this helps