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H4D31 + 80mm for 13k


New Member
Hi guys long time follower and currently running around with a 1dsmk3 on my shoulder taking some snaps here and there but wanting to move into the MF region and have been following some of the annouincements out of photokina and saw the following:

Anyone heard anything else/more about this??? Considering a 1dsmk3 when new was 11k, assuming the 1dsmk4 (whenever that is released) will be likely to be up around the 8-10k mark it would be seemingly interesting to move to this setup instead of getting the 1ds4..

After your opinions :)

I haven't posted in a while here, so hello again!

I'm watching the release of this new H4D-31 with enthusiasm. I understand that this uses the same back as the older H3DII-31 but with the newer H4D body and features. I'm very interested to hear of the real world difference in performance at ISO levels between 100-400 compared to the H4D-40, which is reported by all users to be amazing. I don't care about 800ISO and above. Considering I haven't shot on film more sensitive than 160ISO for four years I'm not too worried about that side of things, although you never know what sort of creative options a clean 800ISO might offer me... Anyway...

Also, considering my largest print size is 20x25", does anyone honestly think the difference between the 31mpx and 40mpx will be noticeable in terms of detail? We're talking about approx 245dpi without resampling vs. 275dpi, after all.

I believe this camera should be a winner for Hasselblad. Lets hope it is.


I had the H3DII 31 for about a year, nice camera. Very nice files.

I have had the H4D 40 for about 3 months and I really like it great files. The real performance enhancement that I have noticed is True Focus, it works and makes the camera much more effective.
Hello Dave , here is a kink to the official press release

Apart from what is stated with regards to "currently shipping" which is unfortunately incorrect , everything else is correct.
It will be using the same sensor as in the H4D40 .

The 31 does NOT use the same sensor as the 40. The 40 is newer Kodak technology.

That said, the H4D/31 promises to be terrific ... because it is an H4 camera.


Hello Marc,

What you think of H4D31? I am thinking of getting one.

I am the one who talked to you about our CFV.

Thank you!

Meir Pluznik
H4D31 received!

I have had it for a couple of weeks. i think I am the 1st to get the H4D31. It is simply amazing. I had the H3D39 on loan before getting my camera and would say that it certainly beats its older sister in ergonomics plus in some functionality/versatility: e.g. ISO range extension, True Focus, etc. I tend to get much better results with the newer camera because I am honestly no pro and like to take my camera outside (I dont do studio work). Get it if you can. The only downside is that I feel left out on firmware updates, etc. I have not seen even one for H4D31 and suspect that they have just forgotten it - as they mention H4D40 on a number of updates and it shares the same sensor I believe.
H4D31 received!

I have had it for a couple of weeks. i think I am the 1st to get the H4D31. It is simply amazing. I had the H3D39 on loan before getting my camera and would say that it certainly beats its older sister in ergonomics plus in some functionality/versatility: e.g. ISO range extension to 1600, True Focus, etc. I tend to get much better results with the newer camera because I am honestly no pro and like to take my camera outside (I dont do studio work). Get it if you can. The only downside is that I feel left out on firmware updates, etc. I have not seen even one for H4D31 and suspect that they have just forgotten it - as they mention H4D40 on a number of updates and it shares the same sensor.
The 31 does NOT use the same sensor as the 40. The 40 is newer Kodak technology.

That said, the H4D/31 promises to be terrific ... because it is an H4 camera.


I was led to believe that the H4D31 shares the exact same sensor as the H4D40. At least they are the same size. Please explain.
I was led to believe that the H4D31 shares the exact same sensor as the H4D40. At least they are the same size. Please explain.

Yes, they share the same sized sensor with a 1.3X crop factor, both sensors are made by Kodak, both offer ISOs from 100 to 1600, and both use micro-lenses to help achieve the higher ISO ability.

The 40 is a newer sensor technology from Kodak that improves the image quality about a stop better at each ISO. So for example, ISO 1600 on the 40 looks like ISO 800 on the 31. There are other minor differences but they aren't worth mentioning. The 31 is a great digital back on its own.

Also, if you have registered your camera with Hasselblad, you can download software and firmware updates. Be sure you have the latest version of Phocus installed and then check for Camera body firmware updates for the H4D camera, as well as the 31 back (which they call the "sensor unit").

The most current software version of Phocus is 2.5.4

Current firmware version for the H4D body is 2.2.2

As for the 31 sensor unit, I would contact Hasselblad tech support to determine whether sensor unit firmware version R262 is the correct one for the H4D/31 even though it isn't listed. I would assume so, but it is always good the double check.
