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H4D-40 user needs shoe mount flash


New Member
1. Ok I've spent quite a bit of time searching for an answer to my question but I'm only a little more informed than when I began. I want to use a shoe mount flash (preferably Metz) with my H4D. Many here have used the Metz 54MZ-3 or 4 with success along with the SCA mod. 3902. But the 54MZ seems to be out of production. Will the Metz 58 AF-2 work (with 3902) with my camera and give me all the flash features this Metz unit offers? The unit comes with she mount for Canon, Nikon, etc.

2. Which unit do I order? Hasselblad says "Metz SCA 3902 should be used with SCA 3002 flash systems." How do I find out what units use SCA 3002?