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H3DII vs H3D


New Member
I am looking at buying a used H3D system shortly for landscape work.
I currently shoot DSLR Nikon D3x
I print up to 20x30 on my own HP Z3200PS 24" printer.
I have been looking for a used H3DII-22 but they are very hard to find.
I see a lot more of the older H3D39's out there for around 8-10K with 80mm lenses.
Are the H3DII backs built any better the the H3D backs? besides having the larger LDC on the back. I was told the H3D backs have a fan in them for cooling and the H3DII backs do not.
My concern was shooting in a dusty area and the H3D back would suck in some dust. Is this possible or something I need to worry about.

I am looking at buying a used H3D system shortly for landscape work.
I currently shoot DSLR Nikon D3x
I print up to 20x30 on my own HP Z3200PS 24" printer.
I have been looking for a used H3DII-22 but they are very hard to find.
I see a lot more of the older H3D39's out there for around 8-10K with 80mm lenses.
Are the H3DII backs built any better the the H3D backs? besides having the larger LDC on the back. I was told the H3D backs have a fan in them for cooling and the H3DII backs do not.
My concern was shooting in a dusty area and the H3D back would suck in some dust. Is this possible or something I need to worry about.



Changes incorporated into the H3D-II:

Larger and clearer 3" LCD.

Cooled by a wicking Heat Sink rather than a fan: Yes, the advantage is less possibility of dust, and one less moving part to go wrong.

Different ergonomic layout of controls on the back ... which I found faster to operate.

Most importantly: a new sensor filter that reduces flare and produces cleaner files.

The H3D-II no longer will accept H film backs like the H3D will.

The possibility of finding a H3D-II/39 with less shots on it than a H3D is greater since the H3D-II is the newer model.
(The amount of shots is user retrievable from any HD camera right from the Grip LCD menu under System Status).

H3D-II/39 Kits should be going for about $11-13K depending on condition and amount of shots. Based on experience with both, I think it is worth the extra cost.

If you really would prefer a HD/22 back, you could investigate a Hasselblad H2F and CF/22 Back. Unlike a H2, the H2F provides all of the advantages of the integrated H system and can use the HCD lenses with DAC lens corrections in Phocus ... plus a CF/22 or CF-II back can be used on another H back-up body (or any other Medium Format camera using a different user switchable iAdapter). The H2F also accepts film backs and is now the only newer, integrated H camera that will. Both the H2F camera and CF/CF-II backs are available used.

i would like to ask where can we find the 2nd-handed H3Dii-39, i just ask the dealer in my district n they give me the price of about 12k for a demo H3D39 kit with a 1 year warrenty, i n thinking about it.
Any source for the H3Dii-39? the LCD is not that easy to c for the H3D39 i think..

Changes incorporated into the H3D-II:

Larger and clearer 3" LCD.

Cooled by a wicking Heat Sink rather than a fan: Yes, the advantage is less possibility of dust, and one less moving part to go wrong.

Different ergonomic layout of controls on the back ... which I found faster to operate.

Most importantly: a new sensor filter that reduces flare and produces cleaner files.

The H3D-II no longer will accept H film backs like the H3D will.

The possibility of finding a H3D-II/39 with less shots on it than a H3D is greater since the H3D-II is the newer model.
(The amount of shots is user retrievable from any HD camera right from the Grip LCD menu under System Status).

H3D-II/39 Kits should be going for about $11-13K depending on condition and amount of shots. Based on experience with both, I think it is worth the extra cost.

If you really would prefer a HD/22 back, you could investigate a Hasselblad H2F and CF/22 Back. Unlike a H2, the H2F provides all of the advantages of the integrated H system and can use the HCD lenses with DAC lens corrections in Phocus ... plus a CF/22 or CF-II back can be used on another H back-up body (or any other Medium Format camera using a different user switchable iAdapter). The H2F also accepts film backs and is now the only newer, integrated H camera that will. Both the H2F camera and CF/CF-II backs are available used.



Thanks for all the info.
Where could I find a used H2F and CF-II back from besides ebay?
I can buy a new H3DII-22 for 7995.00 with 1 year warranty is this a good deal?


Thanks for all the info.
Where could I find a used H2F and CF-II back from besides ebay?
I can buy a new H3DII-22 for 7995.00 with 1 year warranty is this a good deal?


I have a H2F for sale with three film backs ... no lens.

Also, H2F cameras and CF, CF-II and CF Multi Shot backs can be purchased through any Hasselblad dealer from Hasselblad's Certified Pre-Owned list. Be careful about backs named CFH ... those can only be used on a H1, H2 or H2F ... but not other Medium Format cameras.

That H2F/CF combination would most likely cost a bit more than the H3D-II/22 quoted by your dealer. The reason is that the CF backs tend to command a premium because they can be used on any H1, H2, or H2F camera ... AND most any other Medium Format camera ... including Hasselblad V 500 series cameras, Contax 645s, Mamiya 645s and RZs, Fuji MF cameras using the iAdapters from Hasselblad ... as well as tech field cameras and studio view cameras

The H3D-II backs of any size (22, 39 or 50) cannot be used on any other camera except a tech/view camera with a custom mount ... and H3D-IIs do not accept a film back.

$8,000. for a H3D-II/22 may be a tad high in price. If it is a demo from Hasselblad ... try making them an offer at a lower price. Hasselblad will soon be flooded with trade-ins on H4Ds ... and while most of those don't make it to the Certified Pre-Owned list, I doubt Hasselblad wants to be holding onto the smaller meg discontinued backs in their inventory.

Frankly, were I you, I'd hold out for a H3D-II/39 @ double the resolution. Patience is a true virtue when it comes to Medium Format digital.


So Marc, are you basically saying stay away from a H3D39 as opposed to the H3DII-39 even when H3d39 can be had for under 10K now?


ps. I was told by someone that it is possible to send in a H3d39 and have the sensor filter replaced with the newer version can you confirm this?
So Marc, are you basically saying stay away from a H3D39 as opposed to the H3DII-39 even when H3d39 can be had for under 10K now?


ps. I was told by someone that it is possible to send in a H3d39 and have the sensor filter replaced with the newer version can you confirm this?

I think you can get the filter replaced. I scratched one and had it replaced ... it was something like $500. plus shipping/insurance. But you'd have to have Hasselblad confirm in writing that it would be the newer filter on a H3D.

I'm not advocating either ... just pointing out the differences ... and you can decide what's important to you.

No, you can only use a Phase One back on a H1 or H2 ... not beyond that ... the H2F is also not compatible.
