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H3dii 39 tethered - "busy"


New Member
Hi, I just got this camera 1 week ago, and used it on a job with just one day of testing on my own. I have a 3 years old macbook pro. It runs Phocus 2.0 pretty well, but a bit slow on displaying previews and processing the images.

I shot tethered on my mac, and after a while the light on the back was blinking orange and top-display said "busy".

I gave it some time, but light was still yellow, so I had to restart my system and take out the battery of the camera to make it work again.

Anyone else experienced this?

Yes, my 31 is a couple months old and I've also experienced this... even as recently as two days ago shooting tethered.... had to remove the battery also... kinda embarrassing in front of clients.
Found out, since my computer is in the lower-end of the tech-specs for Phocus, and I'm connected to my computer via an lacie rugged (because if the fw-400 port) I have to be careful and wait for the ready-beep until I shoot more. This way, it works slow, but pretty well, and I haven't had any "busy" problems lately