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H3DII-39 Firmware update questions


New Member

I have 2.0.1 and R245 versions. What do these numbers mean? Is one of them the versıon of the software and the other firmware??

I want to upload the firware, I go to firware downloads section, but I'm confused which one to dowload. There is this "Camera Body Firmware update(2.2.2) for H4D, H3D, H3D2" and there is another update below which is "Sensor Unit combined update R259". Do I need to dowload and update these too together??

Can someone please give me information about the logic of this firmware upoates and give me advice for what to do?

I really appreciate all replies, thank you all,
Hi Hakan,

R259 is the firmware for your digital back. I can confirm that it works well
with my H3DII-31. The other version (2.2.2) is for the body.

They are independent of each other, you can upgrade one without the other.

I will install the body firmware within the next 2-3 hours and can give feedback if it works (i see no reason it shouldn't).

In general, it is useful to carefully read the README file that comes with
both the body unit and digital back firmware. It has information on what has
changed since the last version and then it is your choice if you want to upgrade or not. One feature that comes immediate to my mind is the 64 sec exposure time that came with R256 for example.

Best Regards,
Hi Ralf,

Thank you for your reply, it helped me a lot.

I faced a battery problem when I upgraded to 2.1.0 before, I hope the problem will be solved with this upgrade.

I've also just upgraded to 2.2.2 and I'll observe the result and shari it with you.

Thanks a lot,