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H3D39 "forgets" half of its shots?


New Member
Funniest thing happened to me today. Had an architecture shoot from 10:30am to about 4:00pm, when I got home, it turned out that only the shots I took after 13:30 were on the memory card :-/ Card is a SanDisk Extreme III 16GB, even RescuePro Deluxe can't find anything I did tis morning (it does find plenty of older stuff). I know for a fact that the earlier shots were on the card at some point because I showed a number of the to the architect I worked with today, and I did a number of checks myself, of course. Has this ever happened to anyone else? Is it a card problem or a camera problem?


i could be wrong, but the way Hasselblad does the IAA is that any pics not marked green are deleted if the card is full. You can continue shooting when the card is full, but it will erase all the ones marked in red. Check that you dont have it set to red by default.
Did you get an answer to this yet?

I just had the same thing happen to me with a H4D/60. I suspect it is a CF card issue, but am not 100% sure.

In my case, I shot 190+ shots which all showed in the LCD, but only 72 were available for processing in either Phocus or Lightroom. No preview or anything for the remaining images.

I used Rescue Pro Deluxe and it said it recovered all of the 190 images, showed the jpg previews, but then none of the 190 3fr RAW files could be processed, including the original 72 that were okay. I sent all the info and issues including two sample files and the Rescue Pro recovery log file to Rescue Pro tech people, because they are concerned that the 3fr files couldn't be recovered for processing which the Deluxe version is supposed to be able to do.

I also have my Hasselblad dealer talking to Hasselblad tech on this.
