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H3d2 upgrade to h4 is a joke?


New Member
Still waiting for my upgrade as hasselblad promised
not quite happy with the company, i think they should care more about people who spend over 30k in their products
my h3d2 broke with only 5000 shots, took 3 months to repair and now this issue
yup ...i know colleagues are still waiting..let alone the price keeps changing..first 8k now 11k...

super slow....the pop the news back in October units out yet its mid year..

Hasselblads performance as far as planning and communication are concerned is not very good, no excuse for that.

Although that might change with the new CEO Hasselblad is still a small company with limited means to develop and set into production new camera models.

Still waiting for my upgrade as hasselblad promised
not quite happy with the company, i think they should care more about people who spend over 30k in their products
my h3d2 broke with only 5000 shots, took 3 months to repair and now this issue

What are you upgrading the H3D-II to?

Evidently in the USA, Hasselblad seems more organized. However, I didn't upgrade my H3D-II, I sold it, then bought a H4D/40 and Pre-Owned CF/39 Multishot for the same amount and got it in 2 days. So, I don't even know what is going on here in the US regarding upgrades.

3 months for a repair sounds extreme ... what was the issue that it took so long? Was your dealer involved in helping it along? I don't do anything through Hasselblad ... it's all done through my dealer who knows who to call, what buttons to push, and when. In fact, I think that is Hasselblad's policy ... the dealer is the point person, not them.

From dealer to importer, from importer to Denmark, from Denmark to their service center in Sweden.
That is how Hasselblad manages to keep return times of repairs between two and four months.
It is the way Hasselblad is organized in Europe........

Hummm..I had a problem with my digital back on my H3D-II some time back. Dropped it off at Hasselblad in Elstree, it was shipped to Denmark, and it came back repaired after about a week. I certainly couldn't complain about that for service.

Also, I had toyed with upgrading to the H4D-40 from my H3D-II 30, but I just wondered why? My H3D-II 30 gives me everything that I want, so the upgrade went out of the window.
Hasselblad UK seems to have the path to Hasselblad Sweden better organized.
One of the advantages of dealing with an established importer of Hasselblad cameras.
My experience with HB UK is excellent as well.
