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H3D2 + CF Adapter + CF 180 : No Lens


I have purchased a CF adapter for my H3D2-39 and have these CF lenses :

CF 50 mm
CFE 120 mm
CF 150 mm
CF 180 mm

However, I am not able to use the 180 on the camera. Display on camera brings up at screen to choose the lens whenever I attach the lens to the CF adapter. I then dial to CF 180 mm and push the save button.

But no exposures can be made with it - display shows "No Lens"

What is this ??

I have purchased a CF adapter for my H3D2-39 and have these CF lenses :

CF 50 mm
CFE 120 mm
CF 150 mm
CF 180 mm

However, I am not able to use the 180 on the camera. Display on camera brings up at screen to choose the lens whenever I attach the lens to the CF adapter. I then dial to CF 180 mm and push the save button.

But no exposures can be made with it - display shows "No Lens"

What is this ??


When you press OK - (ISO/WB) Button, does the reference display under AF show CF or 180?

Display shows "No Lens - Exposure not possible", this is after pressing the shutter release button, does the camera/lens try to make an exposure and stop or does the above message appear immediately?

Is the lens a 180 CF or 180 CFE?

Have you seen a message "Lens cocking lever problem"?

I suggest databus contacts on front of the CF adapter, lint free cloth and a gentle wipe. Then inspect the contacts, are they all the same height?

Using the tip of an eraser from a pencil, gently depress each contact, it should return to it's previous position.

Paul Claesson
Hasselblad USA
If the other lenses work, then I would look to the 180 lens for issues ... namely check that the sync terminal works on the lens.
