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H3D question about digital backs...


New Member
Hello everyone,

I recently acquired a Hasselblad H series camera that was described as an H1D upgraded to be "fully H3D". The camera arrived several weeks ago and is an absolute dream to use. As I described in my introduction post, I'm using it primarily to photograph paintings (Orthodox Icons) for High Quality reproduction.

On the LCD of the camera, it labels the unit as H3D and indicates "H1D upgrade" near the bottom of the screen.

My question is what, exactly, did they change with this camera to make it an H3D? Did Hasselblad essentially "exchange" the previous H1D for an H3D to create this upgrade or is the body an H1D with an H3D back (that it supports through a firmware update only). Of course, I am very curious about this because I acquired the 22MP version and I'd love to have the option of renting or buying a higher MP back to use on certain occasions.

Also, as the "word" is that H3D cameras are no longer compatible with any 3rd party backs, is there a way around this, such as an adapter plate and downgrading the firmware? I've had a very hard time finding any real information on such questions.

Many thanks in advance for the responses!

Fr Jonah Campbell
Damascene Gallery