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H3D Images Samples

Hi all,

I would like here to start to see photos and shots from any H3D cameras, so anyone here can post something to see and share?

When i will have something good i will post here, but i am still just learn on this camera functions and later i will post when i can.

I'm also a fairly new user of the H3DII-31, so here's my first picture taken with the camera and HCD 4/28. Maybe it gives you an idea of the wide angle of the 28 mm lens on the H3DII-31


The second one is a stitch in CS3, lens is again HCD 4/28


All i can say after close to three months usage is that I'm very satisfied with the system and Phocus 1.1.2. The software has certainly couple of glitches here and there but I'm confident that Hasselblad will solve them, given the young age of the software they really did a good job IMO.

Best Regards,

I'm also a fairly new user of the H3DII-31, so here's my first picture taken with the camera and HCD 4/28. Maybe it gives you an idea of the wide angle of the 28 mm lens on the H3DII-31


The second one is a stitch in CS3, lens is again HCD 4/28


All i can say after close to three months usage is that I'm very satisfied with the system and Phocus 1.1.2. The software has certainly couple of glitches here and there but I'm confident that Hasselblad will solve them, given the young age of the software they really did a good job IMO.

Best Regards,

WOW, amazing shots, too bad i have only HC 2.8/80, so i can't do much for now, but i hope i can get something decent, and later on i can show when i will have, at the moment i would like to see more samples.

Thanks Ralf,
is this what you guys mean by superior skin this is what a H3D-39and what lens?
Yes . . . . incredible skin tones and sharpness . Just great .

@Ralf , what kind of pano gear do you use ? ? ?
As mentioned in an other thread , I am just about to buy NOVOFLEX gear for panos and I am of course very interested to see , what gear others use .

is this what you guys mean by superior skin this is what a H3D-39and what lens?

This is just nothing, and it was just a test shot, if i do a studio shot better way then you can see what can H3D or medium format in general, this is just with HC 2.8/80, there are better lenses for portraits so imagine if i do my best, i never see like this sharpness before, but i have plenty of lenses t use with my Canon DSLRs that are razor sharp, but H3D tones surpassing all Canon and Nikon skin tones.
Yes . . . . incredible skin tones and sharpness . Just great .

@Ralf , what kind of pano gear do you use ? ? ?
As mentioned in an other thread , I am just about to buy NOVOFLEX gear for panos and I am of course very interested to see , what gear others use .


I never heard about Novoflex before but seems they are great, if i want to do panos then i will use normal ballhead, but if i want more practical and better tool then i will trust Really Right Stuff, i had their ballhead and plates, they are amazing so i will use their Pano heads and plates in the future.
for me the absolute best combo is Nikon with Nikon Capture NX2....THE best RAW convertor for Nikon in my if you say better than that even then its a WOW from me.....
for me the absolute best combo is Nikon with Nikon Capture NX2....THE best RAW convertor for Nikon in my if you say better than that even then its a WOW from me.....

I worked with 7 Canon DSLRs and 4 or 5 of them are professional cameras, and using best lenses, so i can see the comparison, but in fact i bought that H3D because i know it is better in color rendering and sharpness and most important image quality/resolution.

I have plenty of portraits shots of my daughters i did with my Canon and they were really great, but really i need to try with them again with my new H3D and see how it will perform, i trust my H3D will do better job in this, i have been told that all medium formats will be slightly over any non medium format cameras, so when i will have the time i can do more tests and show them here, in fact i just came back from our photography club and i just shoot our indian service boy [in our club's studio] who has touch skin so i want to see all that details of his skin.
Yes . . . . incredible skin tones and sharpness . Just great .

@Ralf , what kind of pano gear do you use ? ? ?
As mentioned in an other thread , I am just about to buy NOVOFLEX gear for panos and I am of course very interested to see , what gear others use .



I don't have special pano gear at the moment. I used my wifes Manfrotto
405 3-D head with the camera mounted horizontal not considering the
nodal point of the lens. So not an optimal setting of course but before I
invest in pano gear I'd like to figure out for myself if it's worth the
investment (means, if I would use it a lot). The Novoflex gear looks good,
some other folks at GetDPI seem to be happy with
Please let me know about your experience with the Novoflex pano gear.

Best Regards,
Professional, can you explain on the post-processing for this last 2 images, I am a bit intrigued to see this look coming more and more into advertising and "contemporary" commercial portraiture.. I am wondering if this is a special effect that is only achievable with hasselblad software or if it helps... common reason tells me that any decent digital file (even from a compact) can be post-processed to look like that but maybe I am missing something and it will never look like one made from a hasselblad file.

I've been asking myself this question for some time now...

are the surreal colours or the over-sharpened -and tridimensional- look a trade mark of the hasselblad (digital) image?

Professional, can you explain on the post-processing for this last 2 images, I am a bit intrigued to see this look coming more and more into advertising and "contemporary" commercial portraiture.. I am wondering if this is a special effect that is only achievable with hasselblad software or if it helps... common reason tells me that any decent digital file (even from a compact) can be post-processed to look like that but maybe I am missing something and it will never look like one made from a hasselblad file.

I've been asking myself this question for some time now...

are the surreal colours or the over-sharpened -and tridimensional- look a trade mark of the hasselblad (digital) image?


Don't ask me, i am just learning and i am trying to get this effect, in fact there is a guy who got famous of his style or his technique look, i was in between his style and HDR, check his work here:

I just used Photoshop and Tone Mapping plug-in, and then some retouches, but even with all that still i am suck in workflow, so i hope one day i can get much better results.
... common reason tells me that any decent digital file (even from a compact) can be post-processed to look like that but maybe I am missing something and it will never look like one made from a hasselblad file.

I sure hope your common reason does not become reality.
It would mean all those who paid 30-80 K euros/ dollars to go digital with MF can be beaten to their own game by guys using a decent 35 mm based DSLR let alone a compact camera..........