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H3D boot time


Could the users of a digital Hasselblad such as H3D or H3D-II inform about how much time it takes between switching on the main camera switch and the digital back being ready for capture? How much time lag is there in seconds? Thanks
Thanks to all who replied to this. Could I ask you an additional question: I understand that it takes between 5 and 6 seconds to boot the entire system. Didn't you find that annoying when using the camera outdoors, in the field? Missed shots? I admit the situation would be different in a studio environment.
I understand that it takes between 5 and 6 seconds to boot the entire system. Didn't you find that annoying when using the camera outdoors, in the field? Missed shots?

Hi Pascal

I guess if you're an opportunistic photographer then 5 or 6 seconds could seem like a lifetime. I'm not, in fact in 40+ years I've never even hand-held a MF camera.

If I was an opportunistic photographer and those precious seconds really mattered I probably wouldn't be using MF.

Thanks to all who replied to this. Could I ask you an additional question: I understand that it takes between 5 and 6 seconds to boot the entire system. Didn't you find that annoying when using the camera outdoors, in the field? Missed shots? I admit the situation would be different in a studio environment.

The "sleep" mode does not require the 4-5 seconds. Just hit the shutter button and within a second or two you're ready to shoot. So if "action" is your requirement, turn the camera on, then go outdoors.

I only shoot outdoors and I have both "action" and landscape photographs in my portfolio; I've never had an issue with boot time.

And I respectfully disagree with Keith about not using MF for opportunistic photographic situations.

Kind regards,
Derek Jecxz