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H3D and Metz 76 MZ-5 digital. doesn't work!


New Member

please help me with this:
Using Metz 76 with H3d doesn't work in TTL (adapter SCA 3902!!!). Direct flash firing is severely overexposed, bounced always underexposed. every time / different situations.

I know others have exact same problems (luminous landscape forum).
does anyone use Metz 76 with H3D in TTL?
if someone from Hass or Metz is reading this please help-

It will not help but I have to say the same for my modified 203FE and CFV-39 when I use with D-40. Even with -2EV is not enought.

Old style TTL works not so good with digital sensor has a "glass" in front of the sensor when film is like sand.
The TTL of the D-40 works perfect with film.
For digital, a pre-flash is needed to test the flash, that whi the TTL becomes i-TTL or e-TTL or M-TTL.
Far better to use A mode or M mode like "strobistes" use to.
Hasselblad uses the bounce method to measure the amount of light needed from the torch.
Bouncing means light hits the recording medium and is reflected to the sensor that is mounted near the front panel of the camera.

Film is more or less comparable with a grey card reflecting the light.

Digital sensors have different reflecting properties leading to misinformation for the torch.

Metz & Hassey

I use the Metz 70MZ-5. It works perfectly every time.

I've read about others having issues with the newer one ... so I avoided upgrading. If it works, don't replace it.

One question ... are you controlling all functions from the camera rather than on the flash? The H camera assumes all control of all functions.
