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H2 and H2F?


New Member
Hi guys,
i am setting my foot on a used H camera for film
i was just wondering what is the real difference between the H2 and the H2F apart from the fact that the hcd lenses can be used on H2F
can the H2 be updated to a H2F specs so that i could put on a hcd 28mm??
thanks in advance

Best Regards
Main difference is that the H2F has been "tuned" to only take Hasselblad digital backs. The H2 can be used with other makes as well. Of the two, the H2 would seem the better (open) option, but it cannot be had new anymore.
H2F verses the H2

It is true that the H2 will take different digital backs ... but in the case of Phase One and Leaf, the mount is integrated and the back cannot be used on another make of camera other than a H1 or H2. It is very expensive to have the mount changed for use on a different medium format camera ... and then it cannot be used on a H camera.

The Sinar backs and Hasselblad CF/CF-II digital backs use a series of adapter plates which allow the user to mount the digital back on most any medium format camera. The H2 and H2F can also be paired with any CFH back, but the back cannot be used on another make of camera ... only a H2 and H2F.

An H2F not only takes film backs, it is more digitally integrated than the H2 which is a discontinued model. Being a current, in-production camera, and integrated, the H2F enjoys constant firmware upgrades along with the integrated use of the HCD lenses and HT/S 1.5 and the DAC type software advantages when shot with a compatible Hasselblad digital back. Other makes of digital backs cannot be used on a H2F because of this more complex integration. Phase One chose to not try and figure out how to make it work like they did with the H1 and H2, probably due to low demand and obvious competitive reasons.

I currently have a like new H2F without lens, and three H film backs (two unused) for sale. PM me if interested.

To be fair, Hasselblad has a small stock of Brand New H2s recently discovered that are for sale through authorized dealers ... but no price was assigned.


(Here's my H2F : -)


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