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H1 viewfinder LCD indications trouble


In September last I started a thread about H1 quirks I was experiencing. Thanks to a software upgrade to the latest version, most of these seem gone (touch wood).
However, there is one issue that keeps popping up and it is really annoying. Sometimes the viewfinder LCD indications do not show, the LCD backlight is lighting but there are no indications whatsoever visible. All works well on the handgrip LCD window, however. So one can take pictures without trouble, it's just that you cannot see the necessary information in the viewfinder itself. Switching the camera off, and on again, usually eliminates the problem (until it manifests itself later again).
Anyone having ideas what could cause this and how to solve it? My dealer seems unaware of the issue.
In September last I started a thread about H1 quirks I was experiencing. Thanks to a software upgrade to the latest version, most of these seem gone (touch wood).
However, there is one issue that keeps popping up and it is really annoying. Sometimes the viewfinder LCD indications do not show, the LCD backlight is lighting but there are no indications whatsoever visible. All works well on the handgrip LCD window, however. So one can take pictures without trouble, it's just that you cannot see the necessary information in the viewfinder itself. Switching the camera off, and on again, usually eliminates the problem (until it manifests itself later again).
Anyone having ideas what could cause this and how to solve it? My dealer seems unaware of the issue.

Check the contacts between the viewfinder and body to make sure they are clean/undamaged. Also make sure the viewfinder is seated securely.
See also the posting I made under H1 quirks for the solution proposed by Hasselblad (changing an E-prom co-processor with brake). Any views?

I recall an issue with one of my viewfinders where (rarely) if I pointed the lens towards a bright light source the LED in the viewfinder would flash repeatedly.

Hasselblad checked it out, could not solve it, and suggested I swap the viewfinders (since I had a backup H2).

Problem never occurred again. It's probably not the same problem you are having, but I thought I'd mention it.

While these minor problems existed, the H platform is incredibly stable and I think that should not be over looked.

Kind regards,
Hi Derek,

thanks for sharing your experience. Yes, the H platform may be stable but I am getting doubtful when I see that even such a "small" issue keeps popping up. The fact that, quite often, no information is visible in the viewfinder drives me nuts. I have to switch the camera off and on again to solve it. Very annoying. I was wondering how many other people have experienced such "minor" glitches. Mind you, the camera and viewfinder were fully checked, latest software uploaded, no errors found.
Also, I am not really understanding how the suggested solution by my dealer, which is changing an e-prom with brake would solve this particular issue. Maybe users in this group are better informed and could advise me.

Or is it Rolleiflex time? :)
Dear Pascal,

I have a suggestion: if your dealer has a spare viewfinder, borrow or rent his to determine if the problem still occurs. It could be as simple as a pinched wire. Good luck nd keep us posted. No, it is not Rolleiflex time!

Kind regards,

Hi Derek,

thanks for sharing your experience. Yes, the H platform may be stable but I am getting doubtful when I see that even such a "small" issue keeps popping up. The fact that, quite often, no information is visible in the viewfinder drives me nuts. I have to switch the camera off and on again to solve it. Very annoying. I was wondering how many other people have experienced such "minor" glitches. Mind you, the camera and viewfinder were fully checked, latest software uploaded, no errors found.
Also, I am not really understanding how the suggested solution by my dealer, which is changing an e-prom with brake would solve this particular issue. Maybe users in this group are better informed and could advise me.

Or is it Rolleiflex time? :)