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H1 problem! Please help...


New Member

I have problem with my Hasselblad H1. I received the camera 2 days ago, but unfortunately it didn't come with a battery charger for the 7.2v rechargeable lithium. So I bought a 7v Universal Charger and used it for charging, which worked.

The only problem is that after a couple of minutes it shows "low battery" error. I charged the battery overnight, so it holds at least 12 hours of charge.

I also tried to reset the fuel gauge, but when I put the battery in, I don't hear any beeping sound and it doesn't work. I also tried to remove the lens and viewfinder, but without success.

The firmware version shows 8.2.1. And the charger seems to be working, so I doubt it's the problem.

What should I do? Can anybody help?

Thanks in advance,
Welcome here Ben.

It looks like your charger does not charge the battery sufficiently to power the camera.

Without a suffiently charged battery there is not much you can do.
Did you contact the seller about the missing charger?

You could try to connect a 6V 3 to 5 Watt bulb with the battery to check the condition of the battery.
A fully charged battery should keep the bulb burning at least 4 hrs.

I think your charger is not the right one for your camera battery.
Find the correct charger.

Second possibility: the battery is close to the end of its life.
If you can afford one, get the battery holder/handgrip that takes the 3 cr123 batteries as a backup. I have one (came with my H2) and just recently bought a used battery and charger.

I got the correct charger for the 7.2 battery for about $AUD100 from Adorama. Be very sure you are getting the right one, they initially sent me the old charger (9.6 I think) and of course it didn't work! Check the model number is 3053568.

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