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H1 & CF adapter and ....????


does anyone have experience with older C / CF types on one of the H-models? I'm new to Hasselblad and have recently bought a H1 with Imacon 528 back (yeah, they still exist!) and am now looking to gain some experience without spending a fortune on lenses. E.g. any idea what to expect when used with a Zeiss Distagon 50mm/4,0 C T* or the later CT model?
First of all you need the C/CF adapter to mount Zeiss lenses on your H camera.
The adapter is not cheap, 1500 USD.

Older lense like the 50 mm C with T* will clearly show their shortcommings when used with a DB

My advice is to use the latest versions of V series lenses i.e. CFE or CFi models.

The 40 mm IF, the 100 mm Planar (C and CF versions) and the 120 Makro Planar are suitable for use with DB.