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H1 and tilt ans shift 1.5 adapter

hasselblad h1 and 1,5 adapter

Thanks a lot Derek for your suggestion .
DoI need firmare update even if I use h1 with film and not with digital back?
Another question.How can I perform firmware update ?

Best regards

Hi Maurizio,

I purchased a backup H1 that I can use with a film back. When I purchased my HTS I was told that I needed to update the firmware on the H1 so the HTS would work and the AF button (I think) would display tilt/shift amounts, correct exposure info, etc... This has nothing to do with a digital back.

You should contact Hasselblad about upgrading your H1 firmware (I believe if you have an H3 back you can do it yourself, but call them).

Kind regards,
Derek Jecxz

Thanks a lot Derek for your suggestion .
DoI need firmare update even if I use h1 with film and not with digital back?
Another question.How can I perform firmware update ?

Best regards


Yes, you need the firmware upgrade even though you use a HM 16-32 back. Then, Hasselblad tech service is required to do it (maybe you can do it yourself if you have a Hasselblad digital back but I am not sure... Firmware on HxD bodies can be upgraded by the owner because you just need to plug the digital back to your computer and then download the firmware upgrade).

I own a H1 and also needed the firmware to be upgraded (in order to be able to use the CF adapter). I had to go through Hasselblad tech service to have it done.

In fact, you will get the same firmware than H2/H2F bodies. Then, the only difference between these bodies and your upgraded H1 will be the way the back is powered : from the body battery on H2/H2F, from the internal battery of the back on H1. Hasselblad tech service also offers this upgrade on H1.
