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H-digital back on VIEW CAMERA


hallo to everyone,

i would like to work with my h3d II back on a "view camera".
one needs a flash-sync cable to make this going.

i would like to purchase a sinar ArTec, but first they have to release a Hasselblad-H adapter.

but can anyone report about that.
what about the power supply (notebook?)...
and how doaes it realy work?

i appreciate your answer and ideas.

best regards,

hallo to everyone,

i would like to work with my h3d II back on a "view camera".
one needs a flash-sync cable to make this going.

i would like to purchase a sinar ArTec, but first they have to release a Hasselblad-H adapter.

but can anyone report about that.
what about the power supply (notebook?)...
and how doaes it really work?

i appreciate your answer and ideas.

best regards,


If you are shooting tethered to a tower computer then power is supplied by the computer firewire connection.

I use a Rollie Xact-II view camera with a H3D-II/39 back using a sliding back adapter from these folks: Mostly in studio tethered to a Mac Quad Core.

If I do field work with a tech camera, I use the Image Bank-II (NOT the original one for Imacon backs!) as Nick suggests. If you intend using a laptop, check that your graphics card will support Phocus ... if not, you may have to use the Flexcolor software.

Be aware that if your H3D-II back is a 31 meg model, you will experience color cast issues when shifting because of the micro lenses used on that back.