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Getting Geared Up!


New Member
Hello folks!
I've dug out my old 35mm, and I just acquired a Hasselblad 500 c/m. Now I'm trying to consolidate.
I need a tripod that will be interchangeable with my Yashica FX-3, 2000 and my Hasselblad 500 c/m. Any suggestions? I believe the threaded holes in both cameras are different sizes.
I'm also looking for suggestions for a camera case that will hold both cameras, a flash, an extra zoom lense, various filter lenses and film. I need some good leads.
In the meantime, I'm just now learning the versatility of the Hasselblad, and don't profess any headway yet. I'm still "green" (as it were) with it, and could use some good back-n-forth with regard to the best functionality with it.