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FUC The first 1000FK Special Edition


Active Member
A limited series of 1000FK cameras suitable for the famous range of Russian lenses will be available in January 2009.

This camera accepts all those famous lenses from 30 mm fisheye till 1000 mm Tele.
A wonderful solution, no longer converted lenses to fit 2000 cameras but a genuine 1000F with K-mount.

Jürgen Loob is the first lucky owner of this rare camera. Only 6 will be built.
I congratulate Jürgen with this splendid 1000FK and wish him happy hunting at evilbay for a nice set of lenses.


Die erste 1000F(K).JPG

1000FK with Russian 80 mm lens.


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    Die erste 1000F(K).JPG
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FUC friends

Do not believe , what Paul reported .

He already has a gold medal in "leg pulling" and is the the current world champion in that discipline .

What you see is just a lousy PHOTO SHOP montage . :z04_smileys26:
No Photoshop!

This camera is absolutely the real thing. No photoshop no tricks pure reality.

I am sure Jürgen will be pleased once he sees this magnificent set.
If not watch eBay in the next few weeks as he might decide to go for the standard 1000F body.
I would not do that. Think of all those great lenses for small change.....

talking of "good old Zeiss glass": there is much that can be discovered outside the Hasselblad lens line (this example is from Jena as I do not want to worsen your condition). I agree with Paul that it is much more elegant to modify the camera like yours than converting the lenses. You have to do it just once and can enjoy the full Arsenal arsenal. I would even encourage you to have a second 1000F converted to Pentacon Six mount.



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Oops, sorry, I did not add a picture caption. These are a Hasselblad 2003 FC/W camera and a Carl Zeiss Jena MC Sonnar 2,8/180 mm.

Best wishes

Hello Ulrik,

A good idea to adapt a 1000F to the Pentacon Six mount.
I should have thought of that.

1000F cameras can be found for a song. After a good service job they are as reliable as any 500C.

The new line will be 1000FZ for Zeiss Oberkochen and Kodak lenses, 1000FK for Arsenal lenses and 1000FP for bodies that will accept Zeiss Jena lenses.

This brings a new world full of new chances for excellent lenses.
A wonderful idea for the new year!

The 2003FCW is not only the best model from the 2000 series it is also the rarest V series Hasselblad camera.
Rick Nordin writes only about 2000 cameras were built.

You have answered the question properly .
But . . . . . . . . . what bajonet has the lens , or , what bajonet has the camera ? ? ?
I have never seen such a combination . I do hope you can clarify that .
Hello Jürgen,
the camera is original, the mount of the lens is modified to Hasselblad V. Unfortunately I do not own the camera any more for some years now. But I had not sold it had I known about the new replacement shutters for the 2000-series. But of course I can still use the lens as the 2003 FCW was replaced by a 203 FE and there are also two 2000 FC cameras here, one of them with the new shutter curtains (it belonged to Hasselblad author and photographer Toni Angermayer who got it as a demo camera for the preparation of the second edition of his Hasselblad book). I have some other Carl Zeiss Jena lenses that were modified with a Hasselblad mount, namely the 2,8/120 mm Biometar and the 4,0/300 mm Sonnar.

Best wishes,
Hasselblad 1000 F with Biometar 2,8/120 mm

just to give you a taste how a Hasselblad 1000 FP could look like I have attached a converted Carl Zeiss Jena Biometar 2,8/120 mm to one of my non-modified 1000 F cameras. The lens had been treated very badly by the previous owner like the whole 1000F-kit it came with. A friendly technician in Görlitz brought it back to service by using some donor parts.



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