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Flash sync problem with one lens


New Member
Hello! The problem as in title :)
I own three lenses - 50mm, 80mm and 150mm
Recently I wanted to play with flash on my camera and I noticed that 80mm lens doesn't sync properly.
When I take a shot without back, looking thorough main body I can see flashlight when using 50mm and 150mm lens but with 80mm I do not.
I assume it's sync problem in this particular lens.
I'm not sure but lens seems to be a bit later than flash.
Can't see light even on 1 sec. exposure so flash must fired before shutter opens.
Is such situation possible?
Can it be fixed somehow easy or do I need to give it to specialist?
Thank You in advance for any input on this matter :)

P.S. Can it mean that whole lens timing may be off?
what Hasselblad body are you using????? you are using a 500 series camera then it synchs at all speeds but if eg using a 2000FC/M like i have the synch is only on 1/60 second
Sorry I forgot to mention its 500 CM :)
So even when it synchs at all times, it won't work if shutter is open after flash fired.
The rest of questions remains the same :)
(...)Can't see light even on 1 sec. exposure so flash must fired before shutter opens.
Is such situation possible?(...)

The behaviour is like a C lens in M mode.
So if your lens is a "c" one, then be sure that the flash settng is on X (not in "M"). Else you need to repair as I did years ago with a CF lens.
Thank You Blowup!
You saved my day, I was warned in the very beginning about X and M setting but it was quite a long time ago.
The other two lenses were indeed in X setting.
Now all works fine.
What is the "M" setting actually for then?
Thank You Blowup!
You saved my day, I was warned in the very beginning about X and M setting but it was quite a long time ago.
The other two lenses were indeed in X setting.
Now all works fine.
What is the "M" setting actually for then?

M is for one-time flashbulbs. They take some time to reach their peak light output so there is a slight delay between sync and shutter opening. Which is bad news for an electronic flash which peaks more or less instantly.

That's it.
I remember that M mode automaticaly turnes to X mode after a shot on "C" lenses (?)

... I still have about 2000 bulbs in a box :uhoh:
Blowup, obviously in case of my 80mm it didn't :D
Wbulte, so it seems that "M" setting is completely obsolete nowadays
(except for 2000 blowupster's bulbs...)
That's why one of my lenses has M position permanently blocked with small screw - probably one of previous owners wanted to avoid any accidental situations like mine.
Thanks for all input!
Hard to believe the effect on assistance when you use flashbulbs !!!

Sometimes, I began with 2 pictures with it and then use electronic ones.
Poeple thinks that you cover all the event with it.

Anyway, with digital, flashbulbs are really easy to use (if you have a great stock !) as after few tests, you get exactly what you expect. The light of a large reflector is just perfect. A shame that the D-40 (TTL-only) is not usable with digital.
Blowup, obviously in case of my 80mm it didn't :D
Wbulte, so it seems that "M" setting is completely obsolete nowadays
(except for 2000 blowupster's bulbs...)
That's why one of my lenses has M position permanently blocked with small screw - probably one of previous owners wanted to avoid any accidental situations like mine.
Thanks for all input!

Yep, M is a bit of a dinosaur these days. I used to have a C80 in which a repair guy installed a small metal wedge to avoid the M setting.