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First results from new CFV50


Like posted under V-system, I do have some challenges in getting the new combination to focus 'crystal sharpe'; however, here's a first result.
Welcome to feedback.


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Like posted under V-system, I do have some challenges in getting the new combination to focus 'crystal sharpe'; however, here's a first result.
Welcome to feedback.

I wish the picture was larger so we could see the 50mp goodness in all its glory.

Since you wanted feedback, please don't take this the wrong way because I really enjoy seeing photos that people post, but I actually think the photo was a little dark and, I could be completely wrong, but the orchids seem to have seen better days.

A good example of a macro shot is the jewelry that another member posted in a different thread.

Other than that, keep up the great work and thanks for sharing!
Thanks; and I do value all feedback I can get ! (otherwise I wouldn't be asking for it...) Take your point about the fact that the pic is a little dark; will have another go (with fresh flowers....)

Still find it difficult to get all my shots sharp; I think I'm improving, but after having been lazy for over a decade with AF 35mm cameras .....

Will post some new pics soon!

I wish the picture was larger so we could see the 50mp goodness in all its glory.

Since you wanted feedback, please don't take this the wrong way because I really enjoy seeing photos that people post, but I actually think the photo was a little dark and, I could be completely wrong, but the orchids seem to have seen better days.

A good example of a macro shot is the jewelry that another member posted in a different thread.

Other than that, keep up the great work and thanks for sharing!
I'm not saying I'm an expert at macro photography or even digital photography, but stopping the lens down might help and moving the lights to the side will give the flowers a little more depth. I think a black background or a darker background for your white flowers really would have made them stand out more.

That said, when I briefly had a digital back for my Hasselblad (I'm kicking myself for selling it) I found that focusing was sooooo critical and frankly hard. Looking at your flowers they look to be in focus and pretty sharp.

What's interesting that I've had my 120mm macro lens since 1994 and I rarely used it in macro mode, so you're already way ahead of me. ;-) I even have 2 extension tubes to make it 1:1 ratio.

Thanks; and I do value all feedback I can get ! (otherwise I wouldn't be asking for it...) Take your point about the fact that the pic is a little dark; will have another go (with fresh flowers....)

Still find it difficult to get all my shots sharp; I think I'm improving, but after having been lazy for over a decade with AF 35mm cameras .....

Will post some new pics soon!
CFV 50 results

Couldn't resist, here's a more recent shot and a detail of the same shot at 100%; hope this gives an indication of what the back can deliver, assuming the owner knows how to focus...:)


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As a new member to HI I've been hoping to see more of the posted images (although it is frustrating to get the error message that the images cannot be found). That is truly amazing detail in your foreground shot. I'm shooting Ektar and scanning with a Nikon 9000, but I am sorely tempted to go for a digital back for the time saving and immediate feedback. What convinced you to go digital, and do you ever use film now that you have the digital back?
To answer your last question first: no, I don't use film anymore (perhaps one day, if it still exists and when I find the time to process them myself like in the old days...)

The choice for me was "easy" in that I wanted to go back to MF (used to work with Bronica's ages ago) in order to bring back that feeling I had when working with 6*6 in the past. Yes, it is slow compared to todays DSLR's, but it makes you really think before you press the shutter. It works for me!

If in doubt: rent one for the weekend and see if it delivers what you expect from it...
Rental is an excellent idea. Both my sons live near Jackson, Wyoming; and I could test drive a digital back there for several days and make a purchase decision. My wife and I used to own a commercial lab, but we had dip and dunk processors for E6 and C41. Yes, I paid my dues with Nikor (sp?) reels in water baths for temp control, but processing film at home is not in my current plans.

Of the digital backs you've used, what are the ones you would recommend? I have a Canon 24" printer so I can make some large prints. I wanted to get back to my MF (Hasselblad) roots also (started in 1965), and now I have an excellent kit waiting for me to put it through the paces.
THE only backs I considered were the CFV 39 and 50; I did not really look at other makes as I wanted the whole set to be original HB. They did not differ too much in price, and knowing that the 39 had come to the end of it's life cycle the choice was made.
Keep us posted about your choice?