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Firmware update for the 907x 50c or discontinued?


New Member
I wonder if anybody knows if there will be a firmware upgrade for the 50c back or have Hasselblad discontinued support for it?

It is my understanding that they are no longer supporting the CFV-50C. Maybe it's just my perception, but it seems that they quickly dropped any support for upgrades for this back when they came out with the newer version. Not sure why. I have one and I love it.
It is my understanding that they are no longer supporting the CFV-50C. Maybe it's just my perception, but it seems that they quickly dropped any support for upgrades for this back when they came out with the newer version. Not sure why. I have one and I love it.
Very disappointing and insulting to customer and dare I say it, to the legacy of the brand. I have just recently re-visited Hasselblad by purchasing the 907x 50c and it just confirms that Hasselblad is nothing else than a luxury company maximising it's gain over customers. Very glad I did not go further investing in the system and will enjoy the 907x as a fun weekend oddity. To be honest, I expected as much...
DJI took over and the X2D-100c 907x-CFV100c are currently the only cameras they sell and provide updates for.
DJI does has not supported and seems unlikely to plan any updates on any Hasselblad products.
Repairs are the only service DJI provides for Hasselblad customers.
DJI took over and the X2D-100c 907x-CFV100c are currently the only cameras they sell and provide updates for.
DJI does has not supported and seems unlikely to plan any updates on any Hasselblad products.
Repairs are the only service DJI provides for Hasselblad customers.
DJI taking over or not this does not exempt them from taking care of previous products or customers. From your words (I suspect you are a long time customer) it seems like Hasselblad is doomed yet again to disappear?
My understanding is :
907x 50c does not need a firmware upgrade if it is on 1.5.2 and there is no higher version , up to now .
907x 100 (which I don't have) needs an upgrade to 3.2.0 .

The 907x 50c and 907x 100 are two different backs and will surely require (partially) different firmware .
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My understanding is :
907x 50c does not need a firmware upgrade if it is on 1.5.2 and there is no higher version , up to now .
907x 100 (which I don't have) needs an upgrade to 3.2.0 .

The 907x 50c and 907x 100 are two different backs and will surely require (partially) different firmware .
Indeed, but what I would like to see are options like profiles or exposure graph before taking a shot. I understand that phase and face detection would be too much to ask is the chipset is indeed diferent but some software improvements regarding usability would not be bad considering the cost of a 907x 50c regardless if discontinued.