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Firewire Cable H3D


New Member
Hii Guys...glad to join this forum. well i'am a newbie. hopefully can learn from all of you about Hassy. I stayed in Indonesia now i'm work for a several photographers as a freelance asisstant. A few weeks ago my client who had a Hasselblad H3DII- 31MP take a photo shoot. During the shoot using Tethered mode suddenly from the lcd notes if the firewire cable not connected to the back, please check was a nightmare to us happened during the project. After that we counting on CF card. The clients have to wait to see the picture till the CF is full then we upload the picture. later on I'll try using other cable and surprisingly it works thetered mode works well. My Question it is normal if the firewire has a problem or something else beyond my knowledge. thanks alot
Welcome at hasselbladinfo forum.

Of course it is not normal for a firewire cable to give problems.
Always handle those cables with care to avoid problems.

On the other side it is good that the system gave a warning about a problem with the cable.
Storage on the CF card is a good safety in case of problems.
Keep a second firewire cable with you is even better!


Hi Paul,

Thanks for the advice, i considering my self to bought a new firewire cable although i don't know for sure what really happenned. It tooks times if i have to send it to Denmark. thanks again

The tethered operation of Medium Format digital backs is very sensitive and demanding. We are transferring a great deal of data from the camera to the computer.

The firewire cables are extremely susceptible to even minor damage. Even rolling something over one can cause failure.

For example, I recently was using a Hasselblad CFV-II on a Mamiya RZ Pro-II and failed to notice that the FW cable had got caught between the camera and bellows focusing frame. When I focused, the bellows frame pinched the cable against the camera and I lost my connection ... that cable was then toast. Of course this was during a rush portrait job ... so like you, I also reverted to use of the CF card option because I wasn't sure what had happened at the time.

It is essential to have at least TWO back-up FW cables with you at all times. It's relatively cheap insurance.

BTW, it is possible that the FW port of any digital back can become loose and/or unusable, and I know of more than one case where a Hasselblad back had to take a SPA vacation to the mother land. Since your camera worked after swapping to a new FW cable, it most likely was just a fried cable.
BTW, it is possible that the FW port of any digital back can become loose and/or unusable, and I know of more than one case where a Hasselblad back had to take a SPA vacation to the mother land. Since your camera worked after swapping to a new FW cable, it most likely was just a fried cable.

As someone who has done more than a few soldering repair jobs on these finicky, fragile connectors: please do not leave your Firewire cables 'hanging' loose. If at all possible kludge together some kind of strain relief for the cable on your tripod.

The chassis part of the connectors these days is typically a SMD (surface mounting device) connector. Enough stress on the connector and you will rip the tiny connector pins clean off the printed circuit board. Be really unlucky and you will rip the wiring traces clean of the actual circuit board too. That typically means $$ circuit board replacements... (a handy repair man might be able to fix it with some fine wiring, but that is not normally done in a professional repair center, they just swap the boards. Quicker, easier etc).

we all have to just wait for a 900x card...arg....

hard drive/with sony battery for the 50megapixel is not existing yet...
