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Film for Wedding


New Member
Any of you experinced photographers that have a suggestion for what colorfilm to use for a wedding. It is outdoor shooting using fill in flash.

Regards - Leif
I would suggest Fuji NPH 400 outdoor, and even NPZ 800 indoor.
The advantage is that being high sensitivity films they decrease a little bit contrast, which makes it easier to get correctly exposed both groom (black) and bride (white dress).
If you do not enlarge excesively, grain is not a big issue.
220 films are realy helpfull for wedding too.

10 years ago I used 2 A-70 back for wedding.
As 70mm films disapeared, the CFV is an interesting option !
Any of you experinced photographers that have a suggestion for what colorfilm to use for a wedding. It is outdoor shooting using fill in flash.

Regards - Leif

Portra NC. 160 or 400 ASA.

Don't use the VC variant, you want neutral skin colors.

I am not overly fond of the 800 ASA variant myself.

As Wilko said, avoid vivid colours. Else wedding guests have a tendency to become red-faced, especially after the first drinks and dancing. I would also consider B&W in addition which is much more forgiving in this respect.

hard with hasselblad at the late night wedding party. i use kodak tmax 3200 bw film or fuji npz 800. daytime i like tunsten slides. they are a super blue.
In a wedding I use Nikon D700 for the crap (i.e. bride's home, church, reception) and add my Hasselblad + Kodak Portra 160NC or 400NC for the 'shoot'...if shooting B/W then T-Max 400 is an amazing film...spectacular
hard with hasselblad at the late night wedding party. i use kodak tmax 3200 bw film or fuji npz 800. daytime i like tunsten slides. they are a super blue.
As I remember TMAX 3200 does not exist in 120. Once I baught in 70mmx30m but I returned it as the film was unperfored.
Anyway I use "new"TMAX 400 at 1000 (processed at 1600 asa) and get good result on a 25x25cm picture on a 30x40cm paper. TMAX 400 does not existe in 220. :(
As I remember TMAX 3200 does not exist in 120. Once I baught in 70mmx30m but I returned it as the film was unperfored.
Anyway I use "new"TMAX 400 at 1000 (processed at 1600 asa) and get good result on a 25x25cm picture on a 30x40cm paper. TMAX 400 does not existe in 220. :(

Ilford does a Delta3200. Grainy of course, but a beautiful grain in my opinion.
Portra NC. 160 or 400 ASA......?


Yes, that's what I use ...wouldn't use anything else...of course, Kodak has just announced that the 400nc is to be replaced by a c41 neg film based on the est qualities of VC and NC.

Pity in a way as NC 400 is/was gorgeous.
the CFV is an interesting option !

I found the CFV-16 to be a difficult to use for weddings. The display was not bright enough to see the shot on screen in bright conditions to check focus.

Strange how one demands to see the image when there's a screen, but accepting no preview when using film. Maybe just me.