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File size with Hasselblad H3D-II 50 or 60


I wonder whether users of the Hasselblad H3D-II 50 or 60 have no difficulties manipulating the huge files resulting from the high resolution. How is that compared to e.g. the H3D-II 39? Are the large file sizes not slowing down the workflow too much? How practical are such file sizes to work with? Would it be a good reason to consider the H3D-II 39 rather than the 50 or 60 versions? Thanks for your insights.
Pascal just take up space to store all the far i have a 6 terabyte array ..and 4 of wich is full...

On a powerful desktop - no real issues other than full rendering taking a few seconds - not instantaneous. Laptops can struggle a bit though - especially PC ones with only 4MB RAM. That's for a 50 - I haven't owned a 39. rgds
The shooting rate of the 39 backs is 1.4 seconds per capture, for a 50 and 60 it is 1.1 sec. per.

The H4D touts a new 80MB per second read/write performance with Extreme Pro cards from Sandisk.

Shooting tethered to a computer using Phocus software depends more on having the Graphics card recommended by Hasselblad.

End storage is relatively cheap these days.
