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Early 500 C/M boxes


New Member
I am new to the forum but own an early 500 C/M in nearly mint condition. What I would like to know is, what sort of box would of this come in new? I have seen some for sale and think it would add to it's value to have, if I don't use it. I know that older 80mm lens, body, magazine and waist-level finders all came in one box. Would it say 500 C like the camera body or would it say 500 C/M? Mine is a 1971 model. Sorry to start off with trivia, but I did not know where else to look.
Hasselblad Boxes

Thank You For The Response Blowupster,
I was able to see the box styles up to 1970 on the Hasselblad Historical Site. I was just hoping to find out when they changed the box to read 500 C/M from 500 C. I know my camera still reads 500 C and that manuals up to 1973-74 still used 500 C photos. I was just hoping to find out for certain what would have been used in 1971.
Thanks Again,