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Double flash?


Can I have the D-40 flash in the "TTL socket" and then another flash (Metz 45) in the PC socket of my 203FE? No problem with different voltage levels? I figured I'd better ask before toasting anything (Though I think it's fool proof, otherwise I'd be a big warning somewhere in the manual...?)

So the D40 is connected to the lens PC-contact? and the body 5-pin socket?
And the Metz 45 is run in manual mode and to the body PC-contact?
Nah, the D-40 is just connected to the 5-pin jack an the Metz-45 is connected to the PC-jack (cause according to the manual the PC-jack on the D-40 does nothing...(?)).

I figure it should be safe, since the 45CT5 outputs only 22V, and (hopefully) the PC-jack and dedicated 5-pin flash jack doesn't share the same positve voltage reference (would be insane if they did! From an electric view point that is...). The same ground is logical, and a necessity, but how the voltage levels intertwine is something that I expect only to find out by reading the service manual (though unfortunately I can't find any schematics inte service notes...).
So I ended up trying and it works just fine!

The PC socket and the 5 pin dedicated flash socket can be used at the same time.