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Domke f4


New Member
Does anyone use a Domke f4 bag for your hassy. Looking at pictures of them they seem like a compact bag for a body and a couple of lenses. Now I have a Billingham 335 bag, but it just seems bulky, and designed with 35mm cameras in mind, and not my hassy. I had a Domke f2 in the past, and loved the easy access it gave to my gear. So for now I take out my hasselblad kit out less because I dont like carrying around the Billingham. If anyone has tried the f4 bag or has any other great bag ideas im not thinking of let me know.
I have a CCS bag- bought it for £3 in a camera shop sale! Beautiful fit for the Hassy, opening top, rectangular deep partitions, made for a 501CM & 40mm !
I use an F4 bag for my Hasselblad outfit. The 500C/M with one lens goes in the big compartment. Two more lenses are stacked vertically in one of the smaller compartments. ((I have a 50/4, 80/2.8 and 120/4.) That leaves just enough room for two magazines, or one magazine and a digital spot meter in the other compartment. A flash bracket fits in the front pocket. A Metz flash fits in one end pocket. And I fill the the other end pocket with film. It all fits but it's _very_ heavy. I usually go out with just the 80/2.8, one magazine and a DigiSix meter in an F-5XB bag.