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David Odess, master Hasselblad Repairman, passed away Aug 5


New Member
David Odess, master Hasselblad Repairman, passed away Aug 5

This makes me very sad. Even more so because I had just spoken with him a couple of months ago.
He had mentioned that he was reducing his turn around time due to recovering from cancer treatment. I had had taken his comments to mean he was doing well but experiencing the normal lack of energy associated with such a recovery. Apparently he was caring for his customers to the very end.
I had inquired if he would still be able to do his standard fast turn around of equipment with a surcharge to put you in the front of the line and he indicated that was still available.
I have had a number of occasions over the years to use David's services and always found them to be of the highest professional caliber with excellent service times and lower than market pricing. He was always happy to offer advice and guidance.
The Hasselblad world has suffered the loss of a master craftsman and a true gentleman.
I have sent a note in the hopes that someone reads his email and offered to make a donation to a cause important to him. If I find more information, I will post it here.

I was fortunate to talk with him several times in the last few months, and shared the sentiment that he was make positive progress. I am sure I will eventually get my gear returned, but I am sure his family will miss him as well.
I received a very nice note from David's daughter along with my equipment back. She did indicate that David volunteered for 24 years at the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation and that he has raised over $250,000 over that time. She asked for any donations to go there. Here is the website she provided:

Just an FYI for anyone interested. I am donating as a thank you for all he did for the Hasselblad community.
I had just bought my first hasselblad a 501cm and bought my CB60 lens from him, I had a roll of film with me, and I had never loaded MF before, so he walked me thru it. Gentleman and super knowledgeable, his "workshop" was awesome. He helped me start my journey. Thank you Sir!