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Continuos Firewire error


Hi gents,

My problem when shooting tethered is recurring....I've updated the firmware - and it worked fine for 1 shoot - and now every 2nd photo I have to restart the camera. This is a pain to say the least.
As I've used a CFV-50 before on the same MacBook Pro rig without issues, I feel it is a problem with my H3d-31.
Any suggestions - other than trading it in for a "50".

Thanks, Sinuhe
Sorry to hear of this issue.

Did this specific camera always have this problem, or did it start after upgrading the firmware?

Was this a used camera or a new one?

If it was used, did you test the tether operation before accepting the purchase? If new, any issue should be covered under warranty... but
I suspect help from technical services can help solve the problem without sending in the camera.

Have you checked that all of the firmware is updated? There is firmware for the camera body, the finder, and the digital back. They have to be all be upgraded in concert to work properly with he latest version of Phocus. All are available on the Hasselblad website.

Is this only an issue when shooting tethered, NOT when using a CF card ... correct?

Many times, a tether issue can be traced back to a firewire issue. Such large files requires a lot of data transfer, and a bent or even slightly damaged firewire cord can cause issues. The same cord may work with other devices, but will not be stable with a digital back.

I've had an issue using a Firewire 800 tether on my Mac Tower which was due to some protocol issue in the computer, so I now just use a 800 to 400 cord at the computer end, and never saw any transfer issue or noticeable loss of capture speed since then.

Not to say any of the above is your issue, but I can say that in almost every case of tether issues in past, it was some glitch in the transfer as opposed to an issue with the camera itself.

Contact your dealer or Hasselblad technical services if it persists.

Best of luck,

HB tether lock

Hi gents

I've solved my problems using a combination of a shorter firewire cable (1m) and the following HB tether lock - this does make for a more stable connection.

HB Firewire lock.jpg

Thanks for the advice and input.

Best, S:)
Cable hook

Hello Sinhue

HASSELBLAD solutions like the one you show in your image date back to
1957 .
Have a look to my image an see the little hook on the left side of the
camera . Its called cable hook and has the partnumber 43036 .
Possibly the smallest HASSELBLAD accessory part at all . BTW , very rare .
It was used to hold the flash sync cable .:daumenhoch_smilie:

HASSELBLAD 500C from 1960 .
Have fun and enjoy your camera .

Best . Jürgen
Nothing new under the sun

Hi Jürgen

It seems there really is nothing new udner the sun.

I'm enjoying my H3D - but in all honesty - if I had the € - I would have bought the CFV-50.

I miss the feel of my old 503.


Hi Jürgen
It seems there really is nothing new udner the sun.
I'm enjoying my H3D - but in all honesty - if I had the € - I would have bought the CFV-50.
I miss the feel of my old 503.

You find my ears open for the V-SYSTEM .
As I do not need auto-exposure and auto-focus , I stayed with the V-SYSTEM and now work with the CFV-39 and CFV-50 . No new lenses required . Ha . Great .:daumenhoch_smilie:

Regards . Jürgen :z04_photos:
The 503 was my favourite camera for a very long time - and I'm still very fond of it.

I hope to find a CFV 39 or 50 at a reasonable price sometime.

I managed to test drive a CFV-50 for a WE - and the quality is astonishing - especially with the the 180mm.

That said, I do find the need for AF - my eyes are no longer what they once were - and MFDB's seem to require critical focus for the images to be sharp.
I bought the CFV39 a little over a year ago and could not be happier. I too have no need for auto focus in the work I do and have used V cameras for over forty years. Using them that long I don't have to think about what I'm doing and the CFV39 integrates perfectly with the V system. One plus for the CFV 39/50 is they can be used with excellent results on a view camera. I use mine in my 2x3 Linhof Technikardan for architectural work and product work in the studio. Image quality is superb too. The only thing better would be a 40/50mp full frame square sensor.
Hey guys, don't make me jealous!

I'm just waiting for all those nice CFV's to appear on Ebay for $1000.- with the announcement of the so much more superior Nikon D800E.....:)

Maybe that's just wishful thinking.

That said, I'm enjoying the H3D a lot more than before - it is a change - but is is also a nice camera - and the CF adapter works astoundingly well.