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compatible lenses to H4D


New Member
I am searching for many equipment to purchase the medium camera.
I would like to get the information about MF through this forum as I am not a professional.
If you help and tip me these questions, it will be very helpful.
Thank you for your consideration in advance.

1. 300mm Carl Zeiss Jena Sonnar
2. 500mm f/5.6 MC Pantacon
3. 500mm APO Arsenal
4. 600mm Arsenal mirror lens
5. 500/5.6 mirror lens Rubinar
6. 1000/5.6 mirror lens CZJ

Which lens is the Lens to Hasselblad H4D body?
I'd like to know the compatible lenses(above 300mm) to H4D.
Even they need a connecter from body to lens, it doesn't matter.
Such case, plz just let me know the lenses with appropriate adapter.
If my memory serves me right none of these lenses have a shutter of their own.
All Fuji lenses designed for the H series are fitted with leaf shutters.

Better start saving for original Fuji lenses!

The only lenses other than Fuji ones that can be used are lenses from the V series with a leaf shutter.
Hasselblad offers an adapter for these Zeiss lenses to mount them on H bodies.
Of course no AF but focus confirmation is available.
If my memory serves me right none of these lenses have a shutter of their own.
All Fuji lenses designed for the H series are fitted with leaf shutters.

Better start saving for original Fuji lenses!

That, and of course you want to 'marry' your expensive/beautiful MF sensor to optics that can do it justice. That means up to date optical designs.

As said, none with H4D. But with adapters they can be used with the 200 series V cameras with CFV (16,39 or 50MP sensors) backs. In general these lenses are not worth the trouble as they are soft and have a lot of aberration, better stick to Zeiss for V and Fuji for H.

In fact you will get much better results with five to ten year old Super Telephotos from Nikon or Canon (and larger aperture too).