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compatibility issues with non Hasselblad digital backs?

Manuel Vigo

New Member
What is your experiences (good or bad) with external DB (digital backs) mounted onto H-system.

I have one H3D with film-back and looking for a DB, mainly in the second hand market.

I wonder which ones work better: Leaf aptus old ones like 75 / 75s. Leaf does list a comaptibility table but only appears H1 and H2 cameras, not H3 ?!

Same question with old Imacon Ixpress like 528C, is it compatible with H3D ? or the contray, would it recognise the H3D body?

Let me know your mind feelings.


No digital back will work on a H2D, H3D, H4D, or H5D other than the one it came with. The "D" means it originally came with a digital back. Each back is calibrated to its specific camera and cannot be used on other HD cameras without a cost prohibitive trip to the factory.

H1, H2, and H4X can take other backs ... which ones are compatible and have the proper interface is something that has to be discussed with the maker of the backs themselves.

The H2F can take a now discontinued Hasselblad CF DB using a H mount iAdapter (not to be confused with the CFV back which is for the V camera, not the H). I do not know if a CF back can be mounted to a H3D ... but I sort of doubt it. CF backs are hard to find anyway, and are fairly old tech.

You would be better off selling your camera and buying one with a back attached.

- Marc