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comparing the two 35-90 and the 50-110


ok is obvious..the new 35-90 is the newer lense..why is it a lot more expensive than the 50-110?

since the 50-110 is used for fashion mostly...

whats the real target of the 35-90 lense. for use i mean.... it lighter less bulky..but i am a bit confused here..

paul can you shed some light on this subject?

It's alot more expensive because Hasselblad had to pay for new tooling required by Fujinon to make the aspherical front element.

The lens is around 250 grams lighter than the old zoom, and has much faster AF. I think many will find that zoom range more useful on smaller chips.

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yes I think he means small sensor size, say 48x36 or 36x36?

the 50-110 was developed for the first H, which was meant to be used with a film back, hence the lens had to take into account 6x45 film users. To-day the H system is digital only, so no need to care for film users anymore (or full frame at all)...

the "best-in-class" hasselblad 50 megapixel back is only 48x36

hence the 35-90 is a better focal range(?)

It replaces my 35mm, 50mm (my favorite lens - Zeiss) and the normal 80mm with just one 1.5 kg lens.

For my H3DII-31 camera with the smallest sensor size, I need to use lenses more on the WA side than the so called FF sensor (none of which are FF BTW with our standard film sizes, except for a few latest sensors.)
I just received the HC 35-90 and have made several tests with a tripod and shutter release. The results are much better than the HC 50-110 I had for past time and ended up returning. The new zoom behaves much better in the range of 35 to 50 than the tele range (60 to 90). For me it's ok because I needed a wide lens, I have H3DII 31. The truth is that I am very satisfied with my purchase.
I had the HC 50 and didn't convince me.
borrowed the 50-110 from a friend...
and compared it to my new 35-90...
it focused a lot faster..and in lower light conditions..the 50-110 kept on trying to find the subject..but the 35-90 found it right away..

i like how it weights... and it is not a as demanding when taking vertical shots..

my 2 cents
35-90 at 35mm

I have the HC35, and would be very pleased if someone can compare the 35-90 to 35mm at say F4 being a common aparture.

Actual comparison is what I need, not published curves etc. or theoretical opinions.

Thanks in advance.