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clean sensor of my new h4d 31


New Member
Can anybody help me? How can i clean the sensor unit of my hassy h4d?

I always clean the 35mm with eclipse. Is it ok?

Thanks a lot.
Hi Carlos,

i use the eWipe's for cleaning my H4D-40 Sensor when the sensor is not to clean with an brush.

Fittness thanks a lot for you replay. I would like to know if i can clean the sensor with eclipse and pec-pads. Somebody knows?
Fittness thanks a lot for you replay. I would like to know if i can clean the sensor with eclipse and pec-pads. Somebody knows?

Hi Carlos,
why not. The Cleaningsets from Eclipse are to small so that you must clean the Sensor in two lines.
Eclipse or eWipe is the same. The difference is in the width of the pads.

clean sensor

Ok Fitness but that no proble i use a shot credit cart wity the same size of the sensor and ok.

Thanks for you replay my friend.
How about one of those small battery operated grinders?
They look pretty good for this kind of job to me. :lol:
It would be unusual to need any liquid for normal cleaning of the sensor glass.

Generally, it is essential to blow off the sensor with a good squeeze bulb. This is done by holding the back with the sensor pointed downward and blowing it off ... pointing it downward uses gravity to keep the dust from settling back on the sensor cover glass.

I also use an Arctic Butterfly ... which is a motor driven soft brush tool that you turn on and run until it creates a static charge, then turn it off and lightly swipe the brush over the sensor glass ... the static charge attracts dust particles like a magnet.

Pec Pads and breathing on the sensor glass, usually is enough to remove more stubborn spots.

If you have spots on your images that have a faint halo ring around them, chances are the dust has somehow gotten in-between the sensor glass and the sensor itself ... this requires cleaning by Hasselblad Service.

Take care in removing and installing the back ... a slight slip can scratch the sensor glass which has a relatively soft surface and is expensive to replace.

It would be unusual to need any liquid for normal cleaning of the sensor glass.

Generally, it is essential to blow off the sensor with a good squeeze bulb. This is done by holding the back with the sensor pointed downward and blowing it off ... pointing it downward uses gravity to keep the dust from settling back on the sensor cover glass.

I also use an Arctic Butterfly ... which is a motor driven soft brush tool that you turn on and run until it creates a static charge, then turn it off and lightly swipe the brush over the sensor glass ... the static charge attracts dust particles like a magnet.

Pec Pads and breathing on the sensor glass, usually is enough to remove more stubborn spots.

If you have spots on your images that have a faint halo ring around them, chances are the dust has somehow gotten in-between the sensor glass and the sensor itself ... this requires cleaning by Hasselblad Service.

Take care in removing and installing the back ... a slight slip can scratch the sensor glass which has a relatively soft surface and is expensive to replace.


Excellent information above!
And yes you can cause very expensive damage by not being careful in cleaning your sensor.