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Change is coming!


Active Member
Due to very little traffic in the sub forums for Rollei, Bronica, Mamiya, Pentax and Contax these sections will be closed.

Forum moderator

This news is unfortunate to hear. I am a Rollei TLR and a Contax 645 user. Guess I have to lurch on other sites for any new news on how to optimize my current equipment (Contax 645 & Hasselblad V) with current and sand any future digital backs. FOr the time being I will still shot film and scan it on my Scitex scanner.

Thanks fo rthe update.


Due to very little traffic in the sub forums for Rollei, Bronica, Mamiya, Pentax and Contax these sections will be closed.

Forum moderator
Hi Evan

for Contax we have a forum specialised in Contax already:

Marc Williams and others are there members too.

And for Rollei, we are open minded as mentioned in the announcement sent by e-mail to all of you, that if there is enough demand, we are willing to reopen the Rollei forum.

The backup of our old Rolleiforum is online as a read-only archive here:

But as mentioned earlier: It is not enough to offer a forum. As long as users are only looking and not writing, it will die. This is what happend 18 months ago with our english Rollei forum. It is not our fault.

So before we will reopen anything regarding Rollei under a rollei-specific URL, we have to be sure, that there are REALLY enough users, who are willing to support a Rollei forum actively by writing in that forum. 20 users would be enough already as long as they do not hesitate to write continously and support us also a little bit financially.

Please bear this in mind. We only offer the platform. We pay the bills and make sure that everything is working 24hours a day 7 days a week.

But the rise and fall of a discussion forum depends on you, the users. We need Rollei users who are willing to push "their" forum, to make it a unique and a vivid place and not a graveyard.

In German our Rolleiforum is still active by the way:

So if you are really interested, send me or Paul a note and we will collect the Rollei/ Sinar/ Leaf users and try to organize something for a re-launch of the Rollei forum. But it happened now twice that the Rollei users left us in the dark. We invested our private money, we invested our time. Nothing happened. So we pulled the plug.

If it is important to you, act accordingly and do something!

Best wishes