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beginner needs help!!!!

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New Member
Hi! I am a total beginner. I have had lots of help from friends at work, and have seen lots of digital cameras, Nikon, Canon.
I read 2 books on medium format, and it sounds nice! A friend at work showed me his used, manual 500 C/M. it was really nice to use!
my interest to begin would be landscapes. I would try B&W and color, and hope to make prints 8x10 and slightly bigger if possible.
can you all recommend used models of Hasselblad to buy?
which books to read? I am willing to spend time learning and understanding.
what focal length lens?
I think i would pay someone to develop the fillm, and I might buy a scanner so i can view the negs, and choose which to print.

any and ALL advice would really be appreciated!



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