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At last ... I own a Hasselblad


New Member
When I was still in school, there was a camera store with a Hasselblad in the window. Way out of my financial reach. By the time I got my first job, its price had gone up: still out of reach. Then digital came along, so I abandoned my wish. But recently, I have started developing film again (after almost a 50 year break), so I decided it was time to realize my childhood dream. I wanted a 501CM but could not find a suitable one, so I went with a 503Cx. It came with a 50m f4 lens, and I have (today) picked up a 80mm f2.8.

The camera and lenses seem to be working well. The only slight problem I have seen is that the light-baffle material at the base of the view finder (lens side) is flaking a bit and leaves black specs on the screen. Easy to blow off, but irritating. I look forward to many happy days ahead....