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Anyone shot with H3D / H4D with MBP Retina?


New Member
Considering the new Macbook Pro Retina and wondering how tethering works with Thunderbolt / Firewire 800 adapter..

thx in advance!
Great to hear...Thanks! A couple more questions por favor;

so the thunderbolt to Firewire adapter is obviously not causing you any issues, yes? Also, how is the Retina performance compared to your previous computer (assuming an earlier model MBP?)
I have a MPB retina, compared with all other macs I own or have owned it is a very capable machine indeed. I have no troubles using it on location as a tehered workstation with my H4D-40. The screen is the best I have seen on any laptop and colour is surprisingly good. My EIZO is obviously better, but I I do rough edits on the MBP I rarely get any nasty surprises when I move th efiles to my Eizo screemed Mac Pro in the studio.