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Any new Xpan rumours?

Any new rumours in advance of the Photokina?
Better than that; a Hasselblad announcement about a mirrorless digital camera 2xFF or "almost" medium format. Possibly 36x48mm. Labeling and marketing by Hasselblad, electronics integration by Fuji, high ISO Cmos 40MP+? image sensor by Sony.
The question is the viewer. Some say EVF. I hope for a magnified live view alá Pro-Video with exposure preview, composite dynamic range preview and focus highlight.
Better than that; a Hasselblad announcement about a mirrorless digital camera 2xFF or "almost" medium format. Possibly 36x48mm. Labeling and marketing by Hasselblad, electronics integration by Fuji, high ISO Cmos 40MP+? image sensor by Sony.
The question is the viewer. Some say EVF. I hope for a magnified live view alá Pro-Video with exposure preview, composite dynamic range preview and focus highlight.

I hope it's true...
Digital Xpan

According to, HB will present new products at Photokina including a DIGITAL XPAN.

Really curious!
“Announce exciting news for the entire photographic community including new lenses, software, digital back and camera.”
It may be a ...H5D
Too bad !
I can hear the suppressed mumblelings of frustrated Swedish engineers in Göteborg contemplating everything from mutiny to suicide.
It's a tough problem to offer a low volume, high class product without a bread and butter line to carry R&D and overheads. Most of those who try finally go under. Ericsson becomes Sony-Ericsson and finally just Sony. Volvo becomes Ford-Volvo, Ching-Yang-Volvo and finally just Ching-Yang. Saab meets the same destiny. And now Hasselblad; first Sony-Hasselblad and then probably just Sony.
Hasselblad hasn't turned out anything new in ten years. Even if you keep engineers on staff to do nothing they loose their spirit and can not perform new designs when the opportunity presents itself.
The fact that Sony-Ventizz-Hasselblad elects to present a NEX 7 as a new Hasselblad product gives me the chills. I feel sorry for Hasselblad. They are now doing tricks on the street for a new pimp.
I am also concerned that Sony did not let Hasselblad compete for real by Hasselblading the new full frame, mirrorless RX1, but with interchangeable lenses. Come on Sony; are you just force feeding Hasselblad to harvest their livers later ?
Maybe I am jumping the gun. Maybe real, new Hasselblad products are coming later ? But then, why this embarrassing charade now.
I really wanted to buy a new product from Hasselblad. For My sake. For Hasselblad's sake. I will have to take a close look at the H5D, again.