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Advice for my first Hasselblad.


New Member
Hi everyone.

I'm a newbie here. I'm looking for buy my first hasselblad to use for my studies. I would like to use it in the studio and maybe take it around the streets for some street shooting as well. I am interested in the 501cm. However I'm still trying to figure out the variants of lenses and bodies that fit it. I only have a budget of about 750.00. I would like to get a working body, with a lens that's equivalent to a 35mm on the 35mm format, a couple of film backs and a Polaroid film back. Is the budget too tight?

All advice will be greatly appreciated.

I'm in the process of buying my first Hasselblad as well and have been doing ridiculous amounts of research to prepare. From everything I've seen, there's a very slim chance of finding what you're looking for on your budget. You might be able to find a 500cm in decent shape for that price. Have you checked out From what I've read, their condition estimates are very generous and you might be able to get a kit in the budget condition for $750. For what you're wanting, I'm seeing sale prices of about twice what you'd like to spend. Google is your friend here and I've learned a lot by searching anything I've come across that I don't understand. Hasselblad is tricky because their models ran for decades in some cases and you have to identify their age through the serial number codes. There are many versions of the lenses as well. Good luck on your hunt!
Hi classichippie

Thank you for the reply. I have been offered a 500c with a 80 and 150 lens with a non working back and a Polaroid back for 700. I'm thinking of taking that offer. I am happy to just start with a Polaroid back anyways. What are your thoughts? I can look for the cm a little later.
Hi classichippie

Thank you for the reply. I have been offered a 500c with a 80 and 150 lens with a non working back and a Polaroid back for 700. I'm thinking of taking that offer. I am happy to just start with a Polaroid back anyways. What are your thoughts? I can look for the cm a little later.

I'd keep looking. I've seen quite a few 500cm/80mm/a12 back kits for around 750-800. Might not be in great cosmetic condition, but should work fine. Have you checked out Craigslist, eBay, KEH, Adorama used, B&H used, or some of the photography forums that have classifieds?

In my research, I found these are good questions to ask if you find one you'd like to buy, but aren't sure of its true condition:

Is there any fungus in the lenses? Are the shutter speeds up to par? Any light leaks? Has the screen been replaced with an AcuteMatte or is it original? Did you buy it new or used? How long have you owned it? How frequently has it been used? Has the kit been serviced by Hasselblad recently? What are the serial numbers to calculate its age? Why are you selling it?
Hi classichippie

I just got myself a 503cw hassie with a 80mm and 150mm lens with 2 A12 and 1 a24 backs. The seller says it's just been recently serviced etc. I got it for about 850 with postage.

Can't wait to get it and see if it's as good as the seller says it is.

How goes your search?